Edward Wilson-Lee
Below is an archive list of some past events in which I have been involved. Watch this space for details of upcoming events.
HAY Festival, Arequipa, Peru
I will be appearing in two events at the Hay Festival in Arequipa, Peru--a conversation with Carolina Robino about my biography of Hernando Colón and his project to build the greatest library of all time, The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books/El Memorial de los Libros Naufragados, and a roundtable with Pola Oloixarac, Melba Escobar and Xavi Áyen on 'Books as Objects of Desire'. Come join us!
Events in Venice, 23 & 24 January 2019
I will be speaking at the Scuola per Librai Umberto e Elisabetta Mauri at the Fondazione Cini on 23 January, and at the Centre for Humanities and Social Change, Ca' Foscari, on the 24th.
Book Reading and Signing, Stanfords Books and Maps London
To celebrate the Ides of March in this Shakespeare anniversary year, I'll be telling the story of how Julius Caesar started a riot in Uganda in the middle of the twentieth century, as well as reading other stories from the book and signing copies.
For All Time - Shakepeare's Universality at the Stratford Literary Festival
I'll be talking to the critic and novelist Gabriel Josipovici about the universal appeal of Shakespeare, in a panel chaired by Benet Brandreth, RSC voice coach and author of a recent work of historical fiction based on Shakespeare's life.